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Showing posts from April, 2004
Just some info for you. Here are some info from the NCAA on USATODAY for college sports reform: Penalties recommended for academic laggards on April 18, 2004 NCAA considering bold reforms in academics, recruiting on April 19, 2004 I am going to be away in Cleveland, Ohio. South Bend, IN (NOTRE DAME) Chicago, IL in a few weeks and I hope see who ever I see when I visit in the area. See you soon. TAKE CARE... I hope everyone has my new e-mail address and you can contact me in many ways. DAD (Jack Dugan) is going to teach a college course at NOTRE DAME in South Bend, IN this fall semester. MOM and I will be joining him while he is teaching. I am having a problem with the DSL right now so I am using dial up to get to the internet for a few days. Wish me luck on getting my DSL fixed this week.
GO IRISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTRE DAME Articles are on here: USATODAY.COM - Hornung's 'black athlete' comment irks NOTRE DAME Sports of The Times: Hornung Has Failed to Meet Standard of Common Sense Back Talk: Academics and Football: Notre Dame Traditions - Writers - Tim Layden: Hornung's comments aside, Notre Dame has a football problem - Friday April 2, 2004 - NCAA Football - Willingham dismisses Hornung's remarks - Thursday April 1, 2004 Hornung, In Black And White ( GO IRISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!