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Showing posts from July, 2008
I am not sure if I will watch any of the olympics this year since the games are turning out be to political for my sake. Are you? Here are is links to ND Sports people who are going to china for this event: Eight Athletes With Notre Dame Ties Heading To Summer Olympics Four women's soccer players, three fencers and one runner to compete in beijing, china. take care & GO USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep in Touch.
Sorry if I sent to many emails and comment on your facebook page I have. My current facebook friends/family I have are 91 since yesterday. Story is about college football: Charting the predicted major college football conference champions ,
Hope you have been well this days. My work is ok this days. Facebook has gotten me to contact long lost friends from my childhood friends and my high school years to. I need to get more to go to places near my home and outside the area. Just to tired to do it on my own. take care.
HI..., It’s cool to use gmail these days since more people are switching to it. I use the gmail on the email program for my iPhone so I can keep in touch more often now with out being on my computer. I have the first generation iPhone that is 8MB memory storage on it. This latest iPhone 3G is faster then mine but I will get a software update this Friday while people get the new iPhone 3G. What you think of the iPhone 3G? It looks pretty great to me. More will appear on my blog I have on the bottom of this email. Please read this story to: Here is another link for the new iPhone 3G: Apple's new iPhone 3G: Still not perfect, but really close I am looking into some other avenues to get a better job to. take care. Here are more links about the iPhone 3G: ,
I have being working too hard @work since I came back from visiting my nephew Quinn in Chicago. Coworkers really do not know how to do my store when I am away from my work @Dulles Airport where I order current books & magazines there. If you have facebook just to let you know I have 78 friends/family at this moment. I didn't know I had so many friends but most of my friends do not live near me at all. Lots of my friends on my facebook I have seen for a while and its cool you want to keep in touch on facebook & email to. Ita ok if you don't want to be my friend on facebook. My life will still go on. I have the previous made iPhone and it works pretty well still. I hope anyone who gets the newest G3 iPhone coming out on July 11, 2008 has lots of fun it like I do with my iPhone. I hear that the G3 iPhone is faster then the previous version of the iPhone. I hope I get a cool software update with my iPhone. More news about the G3 iPhone: AT&T will sell no-co