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Showing posts from April, 2012
While I am out town I am watching the White House corespondents' dinner on c-span right now & it's pretty funny to watch. Take care.
I am traveling by car to Ohio & South Bend, IN & Chicago, IL this week to visit family & friends. I saw snow in the mountain & hills while going thru Penn. I hope everyone is going very well. The weather has pretty great on our car trip first leg to Ohio. Take care. We left Ohio to head out to South Bend, IN this morning (Thursday). It was raining & in the 50's. I am relaxing in the car while we drive by car. We are going shopping in the Bend & have dinner at Rocco's. I will update my Facebook & twitter later today. Earlier this week I saw my ex-boss Congressman Tim Holden lost in the democrat runoff instate when PA has been redistricts. I worked for him for a long time. I am glad I worked for him at that time when I went to school & other job while there too. Take care.
We haven't had allot of rain this spring. It has rained three times in two week & we hope it helps our yard outside stay health. My New iPhone 4S is going very well. Have you got a new cell phone lately? There were some good & some bad stuff in the University of Notre Dame Football 2012 Spring Blue & Gold game. I saw it on NBC Sports Network & I did DVR it too to review what the for-seen future will bring the team this season. Recap of this game will be on here later. I have being watching some NHL Playoffs. I route for the Washington Capitals team. They are playing the defending champs the bruins from Boston & at this moment they have won 3 of 5 for a 7 game series that the first team wins 4 games before the other team wins. GO Capitals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We tried to grow some grass while the spring season but it's being to dry out because we haven't had enough rain in the area.
I hope everyone is going well these days. My blog has changed format without warning so I am just doing it slow tonight.  I hope my Facebook, twitter & other social networks are ok with my quick answers on certain topics come up in the news.  Sometimes technology is a pain in the rear when you can't fix it like me. My ND Sports update: Before we get to the Blue & Gold match up with in the NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL team.  Here is some great news that Notre Dame Football is celebrating 125 years this year:   Events & official site . Lots of the University of Notre Dame Sports are have done very well this year.  Before the regular season starts for 2012 Notre Dame Football season the Blue & Gold Game happens in the spring time to see some of the new play makers to show off.  The game is on around 1:30 pm et (4/21/2012 - Saturday) - NBC Sports Network .   Check who they play this 2012 season. Notes for the Blue & Gold Game:  B&G events info , B&G Fan Guid
I am vacuum out on our porch with our Dyson vacuum & I see plenty of yellow pollen inside so does that mean I am line a bee I guess. There is so much yellow power out here. This reminds when Aunt Mary would visit we would need to hide the vacuum cleaner because she would use it in every room included our porch too. My allergies have been very bad since there hasn't been any rain of late to clear up the air since spring/summer has came this season. Take care out there too.
How was your weekend? This is my Sunday event day: I am just really tired after being outside in the sun for a few hours out in Georgetown today. I saw a NCAA Men's Lacrosse game (Notre Dame at Georgetown - 1pm et). It was fun to see in person. GO IRISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care.
What are your favorite TV shows you watched this season? My favorites are: Burn Notice (USA Network), Psych (USA Network), NCIS (CBS), The Big Bang Theory (CBS), Modern Family (ABC), Suits (USA Network), Hawaii-5O (CBS), (University of Notre Dame Sports), Break Out Kings (A&E) and others too. Take care. It's in the 50F's with a cool breeze today. Little rain & slit also.
Happy Easter to my family & friends all over the World!!!!!!! Take Care & Peace too.
Very important issues concerning the BCS -College football: BCS officials start dealing , BCS leaders focus , BCS info about the Rose Bowl & etc (more info when it comes in). NDFB take on this issue when met: Update from BCS Commissioners and the Notre Dame Athletic Director (AD) statement Does anyone else around here know anything about this?
My NCAA college basketball note: I am surprised that Kansas didn't go hard vs Kentucky . Kentucky is just nba want-to-be now since that dumb coach (John Calipari) they have there now. We will hear some stuff about a lack of education for those students who are playing there. Will the NCAA find something again so will Kentucky lose both final fours if there is a big problem like at umass & Memphis schools. Take care too. Result: recap Can anyone guess how many men bracket pool entries I did this year? P.S. I will be watching the women's title for the NCAA Basketball on ESPN / because Notre Dame plays vs Baylor (Denver, CO). 8:30pm et game start tonight. More tournament central info. GO IRISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw ND Women play vs south fla at Notre Dame this year. They are a tough team too. Preview ND game. The final result didn't go very well for the IRISH tonight but they did try there b
Right now at 6:30pm et University of Notre Dame Women Basketball plays vs conn in the NCAA Women Basketball Final Four (Denver, CO) on ESPN. We Are ND!!!!!!!!!!!! Routing the ladies on to do great. GO IRISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!