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Showing posts from December, 2015

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year from ND Football #1 fan on a day before a big game for tomorrow!!! Go Irish!!!!!!!!!

Happy-Holidays & Happy New Year!!! Fiesta-Bowl that University of Notre Dame Football is in & looks great vs Ohio st.  We Are ND!!! Proud To Be ND!!!!! How will this game go for espn this time?  Here is a mini preview from Notre Dame Fighting-Irish Football right here: More info later today.

My Christmas in Chicago was pretty awesome this year!!!

Hope your Christmas holiday went this year.  I got see some of my family & eat lots of great food while on my visit and saw lots of cool stuff while in town.  Just a few pictures with the family during the visit.  Take care & Merry Christmas and Happy New Years too!!!!!!!

Yeah the new Star Wars movie is out right now called "The Force Awakens"!!! May The Force Be With You!!!!!!!

Will you see this #StarWarsTheForceAwakens #movie in #IMAX3D?  The #StarWars - #TheForceAwakens looks good but will #IMAX #3D work out for it?

My holiday season is almost done.

Hope your holidays have being going well for you.  I did make some peanut butter blossoms already & they tasted pretty awesome.        Well college bowl season for football will start this Saturday so get ready for it.  Just a reminder that Notre Dame Football plays Ohio state in the fiesta bowl on Jan. 1st, 2016 around 1pm et - Go Irish!!!! (Game will be shown on ESPN).        Thanks for all of the kind words about our lost of our sweet, cute & honesty dog name Winnie that went to doggie heavenafter Thanksgiving  this year. It's being very hard on my family since we had her over 9 1/2 years with us.       We almost have all of our decorations up for Christmas. I just need to put up a few of my houses during the holidays when I am ready.  Everything is going to plan for my holiday until this point.  Just tired at this point. Right now I am still recovering from being sick before visiting family for the holidays.  Yeah all of our decorations are up right now.   Are you seein

New Star Wars is coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!

#StarWars #TheForceAwakens #movie - #picture time  is coming soon on December 18th, 2015: #MayTheForceBeWithYou friends & family over the #Holidays.

The Days of Winnie the dog's life are reported here...

Last Monday night, my Princess Winnie Dugan the dog went to doggy heaven. She had too many problems with her health that she couldn't recover from. She had a great life with our family for 9 1/2 years. Winnie made life very interesting for us along the way. Thank you to the people who met or saw her be happy and being active around the neighborhood. My family and I loved this Winnie the dog so much our hearts split open when she left us. There are two things that I loved about Winnie: She never bit me and she expressed herself a lot. Here are some photos of Winnie in her time on Earth with us. Winnie and I were Han Solo & Chewbacca the Wookie AKA Winnie the Wookie for Halloween.    Love from Winnie the dog's Daddy,   Paul More info: Hi & how are you.., Thanks for your kind words about our Winnie the dog Dugan who is off to doggy heaven.  It hit me really hard but family & friends are doing what they can for me.

The Winnie the dog report on her health right here...

Oh well my Winnie the dog hasn't being feeling well lately so we took her to the regular vet then she got worse so had to get to her to a better vet hospital to have 24 hour care to make her comfortable also.  The parents, Mike & I are praying for her safe return home.  A Winnie the dog report is here:  She is very tired & little alert when mom & I saw for 2 to 3 hours.  The next 24 hours is very critical for her to recover from her issues. She has lots things going on with her for the vets to figure out what's really wrong with her. Time to pray more for my little Winnie the dog to get better to come home.