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Showing posts from January, 2017

Sports are hard me to believe this days.

If your concerned about ncaa football check this article out from Forbes:   right here . The groups are destroying college football & basketball that I can't watch anymore this days.  Commentaries & tv stations can no longer keep their mouth shut if they want me to watch.  Does NCAA   or ncaa sports - want to fix this or not?  

Life after the new president has appeared!!!!!!!

I am not sure if this web sites work at this time:   white house - web site,   white house twitter ,   white house on Facebook,   new potus twitter account  & donald's own crazy twitter account. I am sure what to do after lots of crap hit the fan this past year.  I am trying to be positive enough to get thru my day on such crap that the 45th president says all the time when he bring nothing to the table & destroy everything OBAMA built and I am afraid we won't get it back. Please careful out there on not getting the wrong people mad like friends/foe.  I could name names of dumb idiot people think they are right.  PLEASE read from congress , the hill & washington post . The weather around here has being up/down cold & warm stuff. The new STAR WARS title movie came out already:   THE LAST JEDI -   article time . Oh boy I forgotten how George Michael sings pretty well with/without WHAM since listening to him on youtube.  What cool music you l

My new start in 2017 has begun...

Hi everyone & how is it going in the start of this new year?, Sorry that I have being so harsh on sports because I live right thru them & I take it a little to far when they lose at this moment.  I am learning not to do so when to forget about it after it happens so I can live with it.   University of Notre Dame sports are right here. I just saw a cute movie on a cable movie channel called " SIMON BIRCH "  & it was cute and sad all once.  Yes,  you do have a little of Simon Birch in you to get thru your day when you need it.  Right? I have being working on job applications lately to start my year right so I can a job right on the spot on my own & maybe little help if I need it for just cause. I have being trying to get my Apple ID fixed on my computers lately:   HELP It's really hard to get back to reading books since watching lots of holiday movies.